
I may not be eloquent, I may not be brilliant, neither am I at the pinnacle of the faith-filled.  But if there is something that makes my blood pump hotter and faster, it is the outright pious absurdity of anti-Creator, anti-intelligence of mainstream modern Science. While some shout out on social media sites that they “f’n looove science” many of them also simply believe that God is dead and their “science” proves it. This flows from what I call “mainstream” modern science. The science of molecules to man evolution that is taught in our schools, in our books, in our entertainment, in our news and in pretty much any trough that it can flow through to reach us.

Its not so much that it flows, with stinking regularity, it is that it flows with no apparent or validated opposing views and a team of ruthless Godophobic lawyers and media spin doctors to defend its sacred prime directive of a Godless reality. It is wrapped in a vale of naturalism and universalism that deters unbiased science from occurring, for it guards itself against any sentiments that might lean towards an intelligent Designer. This strange movement in science both thinks that it is unbiased, a rather non-scientific statement, and seeks to bully those who disagree. But perhaps the oddest observation is that it has loud vocal atheists that attempt to propogate it via internet, social media, live video shows, books, and massive productions all the while mocking those that disagree as degenerate idiots that are abusing their children by disagreeing.

This blog is here to try and open the windows a little so that fewer members of the public at large are drowned in the stale ether of the Evolutionary fraud.

Though much of this site will deal with the Creation and Intelligent Design vs. Evolution debate, it will also touch on other subjects that relate to us all on this Terrestrial ball and more specifically the North American mindset.

If you got something to say on this topic that is useful to the discussion, write me via the comments and I may post it.

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